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Phoenix 2023-10-11
Xypher 2010-08-10
Tabun 2009-08-09
Dr. Jones 2006-08-15
Makou 2005-03-28
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Gives new definition to "pocket rocket", eh?
Gives new definition to "pocket rocket", eh?

.99f Release Party
What's your favorite Doom Warriors weapon?
12 Gauge
Combat Shotgun
Rocket Launcher
Plasma Rifle

A Note For New Registrants

With the increasing prevalence of bots and now AI getting into the mix, I wanted to make a note to anyone wanting to register on the forums about how the process works:

I personally approve all registrants.

That means I'm going to look at your user name, email address, and pull a geolocation on your IP address.  If you look like a bot, script, AI, or paid corporate data mining drone trying to register you'll get rejected.  This is not meant to block legitimate users, but to protect users from the crap that's out on the web causing problems.  A few tips on how to not get caught up in the rejection process:

1.  Be mindful of your user name.  If it's something generic like FirstnameNastname and especially if your email address is similar that's a pretty dead giveaway you're not here to talk about Generations, Id titles, or games in general.  That's typical lazy bot registration behavior.

Better idea:  Use something that's a gamer handle or something related to Quake.  We can always change it later if you don't like it.

2.  Your email address matters.  Yes, I know everyone uses gmail.  That means scammers/spammers use gmail.  The same with aol, yahoo, etc.  Again, if it's something overly generic looking or smacks of spam bot I'm probably going to not let it through.  If it's the same as your username in some way and the username already looks bad, that's a hard fail.

Better idea:  I know this is a tough one because people get attached to their email address, but use something that stands out that looks like you created it.  Same rule applies as with your user name.  If you want to just use a free email service to create a burner account and we can change your desired email after the fact.  It just takes one PM to me once you're active on the boards.

3.  Where you live matters.  I don't want to deny a potential gamer a voice here, and Wirehead does not discriminate when it comes to any gamer's ethnic or cultural background, but let's face it:  Sometimes your country's government and/or business practices really suck and that has to be taken into account.  If it looks like a residential IP that's not going to raise many flags in and of itself, but if an IP originates somewhere in a country known for having a repressive government or allowing internet scammers to run rampant that's a factor.

I cannot provide more specific examples of what makes a good registration without feeding the spam bots but let's face it - if you're here because you love Doom, Quake, Wolfenstein-3D, or the like you'll know what to do after reading this.  Any potential bad actors reading this... take note.  It's not worth your time, there's no money to be made here, and you need to find an honest and honorable line of work.  I'm going to protect the legitimate users and you're going to lose.  Every.  Single.  Time.

Sorry I had to post this but for the legitimate gamers out there, I feel you have a right to know that there is a real breathing flesh-and-blood being making these decisions, and that being can and will make mistakes from time to time.  If you register and your attempt does not get approved *PLEASE* re-register based on the above guidelines as soon as possible and you'll have a voice here.  Also, remember that registration on the message board is not necessary to download and play Generations Arena - only to discuss things on the forum.

New Doom Map by Woodsman - Deathshead!

Deathshead is Woodsman's second published Doom II map.  This time the focus is less on "gotcha" moments and more on straight-up gameplay and environmental glory.  It's a beautifully crafted map with plenty of monsters, secrets, and a few surprises.  Download from This Repository.




Well that was a real Dickmove

You'll be saying that a lot on this brand new map by Woodsman.  Dickmoves is a compilation of just that.  It's a stand-alone map for The Plutonia Experiement, meant to be completed on Ultra-Violence from a pistol start.  Here's a few preview pictures.  Download from This Repository if you dare!





So What's Going On?

I just noticed this particular page hasn't had an update since 2012 when Paul Steed passed away.  I've been focused mostly on the Generations Arena news that I hadn't thought to post an update on the Team page.

Wirehead as a team is definitely much smaller of late.  I'm certainly the most active member on the website, and Generations Arena is coming along, though it can be rough being pretty much the sole content source at this point.  That being said, I would like to take a moment to thank some individuals for what's not always as visible as those rockets flying down the corridors.

First, I must thank Kenny for continuing to keep the website alive.  Without his support this site wouldn't be here and it would be much harder to show off the progress that is being made.  He may not talk much, but his contribution is every bit as important as any content being made.

Second, I must thank Dr. Jones and LeeMon for the help and guidance they've provided along the way as well.  It may not seem like much to you fellas at this point, but when something has come up you've stepped up and righted the ship.

Third, I must thank all past contributors to the team that are not active at present but certainly have made an impact.  Warden, ConfusedUs, Tabun, NicHex, Renalicious, Amphetamine, Vorlonesque, Castle, and anyone else I might not have mentioned, Generations wouldn't exist in its present form without your contributions.

Fourth, I wish to thank all the Beta Testers, the behind-the-scenes heroes who point out mistakes, broken stuff, and provide suggestions that do sometimes make it into the game.  You help a lot more than you realize.

Lastly, I want to thank all the Generations players past and present.  Some of you have been waiting a damn long time by human standards, and I certainly intend on delivering the best Quake mod ever made.  I certainly intend to make sure you get it, and hopefully the recent updates on the Gen board demonstrate that I take this very seriously.  It WILL get done.

As for what the Team is up to, well, the Generations Arena board is where that action is, but thanks for dropping by and reading this.

RIP Paul Steed

It's a sad day for gamers and Id fans.  Veteran designer Paul Steed has passed away.  Details of his passing are unknown.  From Wcnews:

There is truly terrible news to report today: world renowned game artist Paul Steed has died. Paul was best known for his work on the Quake franchise, but he got his start in the industry as a concept artist at Origin. One of his first assignments was doing gameflow storyboards for Trade Commander, later Privateer.

Full story here:

Some additional links:

Farewell, Paul.  You'll be missed.


If you haven't heard what SOPA is, you really need to educate yourself on it.  It's supposed to be an anti-piracy bill, but it has the effect of depriving people of due process at the mere accusation by a supposed copyright holder.  It's one thing to actually steal someone's stuff, which is bad.  It's another to, say, post a message on a message board with a link to something that might have possibly been derived from something copyrighted, or might even qualify as fair use, and have some twit in a suit aim the SOPA cannon at and all of a sudden our site goes down with no notice, no warning, and no legal recourse - all because you posted a link to a video of someone's kitten playing with a ball of yarn and the radio happened to be playing a certain song in the background of the video.

Yes, it is that stupid.

Yes, it is that serious.

Yes, this affects the entire internet.

Sign it.  If you're a US citizen, educate yourself on the bill, call your elected officials, and do something about it.

RIP Steve Jobs

Steven P. Jobs, the Apple Inc. chairman and co-founder who pioneered the personal-computer industry and changed the way people think about technology, died Wednesday at the age of 56.

His family, in a statement released by Apple, said Mr. Jobs "died peacefully today surrounded by his family."

The company didn't specify the cause of death. Mr. Jobs had battled pancreatic cancer and several years ago received a liver transplant. In August, Mr. Jobs stepped down as chief executive, handing the reins to longtime deputy Tim Cook.

Love him or hate him, it's impossible to not notice the effect he had on the tech industry.

Osama Bin Laden: Terminated

I don't normally post this kind of news, but considering how long this SOB has been on the run and everything he's been responsible for, directly and indirectly, I felt it's worth taking a moment to make note of this.

Osama bin Laden, hunted as the mastermind behind the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, has been killed, President Obama announced tonight.

The president called the killing of bin Laden the "most significant achievement to date" in the effort to defeat al Qaeda.

"Justice has been done," Obama said.

Bin Laden was located at a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, which was monitored and when the time was determined to be right, the president said, he authorized a "targeted operation."

"A small team of Americans carried out the operation," Obama said. "After a firefight, they killed Osama bin Laden and took custody of his body."

DNA testing confirmed that it was bin Laden, sources told ABC News.

Wirehead IRC Channel

After much procrastination on my part, we now have an permanent IRC presence on ETG.  Here's how to connect to the Wirehead IRC channel

Channel: #wirehead

Drop by any time to chat, provided we're awake of course!

Wirehead IRC Server is Down

Alas, our IRC server is down, and I think it probably died this time.  We'll be looking into setting up an alternative chat room sometime soon if the server does not miraculously respawn, regenerate, or otherwise recover.  In the mean time, if anyone needs to chat with a team member they're encouraged to use the message boards for the time being.