2005 August 9 forum game 
Result of 2 voters
Key - Excellent: 5 points; Very Good: 4 points; Good: 3 points; Average: 2 points; Poor: 1 points; (Average points in brackets)
(1) Watch out for the priceless oil paintings! - 2 voters (5.00) BAR
(2) And that's why internal decorators should fear a Quadded rail. - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
(3) Dances with Classes, the hilarious musical. - 1 voter (4.00) BAR
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Look all you want, but you can't REALLY see it...
[800x640] [1280x1024]
Look all you want, but you can't REALLY see it...
Viewed: 6769 times.

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Simply Grilled
[800x640] [1238x990]
Simply Grilled
Last comment 08/11/05.
Viewed: 4999 times.

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Or.. Simply Dead, twice!
[800x640] [1280x1024]
Or.. Simply Dead, twice!
Viewed: 4928 times.

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Alucard startles as Makou's BFG blast draws near.
[800x640] [1238x990]
Alucard startles as Makou's BFG blast draws near.
Viewed: 4970 times.

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Remember Doom?
[800x640] [1280x1024]
Remember Doom?
Viewed: 4863 times.

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Red vs White?
[800x640] [1280x1024]
Red vs White?
Last comment 04/02/06.
Viewed: 4983 times.

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Doom Rockets Everywhere (tm)
[800x639] [1236x988]
Doom Rockets Everywhere (tm)
Viewed: 4853 times.

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The Chaos - pt. I
[800x640] [1280x1024]
The Chaos - pt. I
Viewed: 5017 times.

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The Chaos - pt. II
[800x640] [1280x1024]
The Chaos - pt. II
Viewed: 5094 times.

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