Newborn Baby! 
Result of 11 voters
Key - Excellent: 5 points; Very Good: 4 points; Good: 3 points; Average: 2 points; Poor: 1 points; (Average points in brackets)
(1) The baby was born on March 28th. The baby shower was earlier that day. - 3 voters (4.67) BAR
(2) Eeek! It's an alien! - 3 voters (4.00) BAR
(3) Goodnight Wirehead! - 2 voters (4.00) BAR
To vote for an image, click on Excellent, Very Good, Good, Average or Poor. You MUST click on Vote for your vote to be recorded. You can change your votes later, if you wish.
Eeek! It's an alien!
[800x600] [1024x768]
Eeek! It's an alien!
Last comment 08/15/05.
Viewed: 9377 times.

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Goodnight Wirehead!
[800x600] [1280x960]
Goodnight Wirehead!
Viewed: 5477 times.

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I'm too cute for my own good!
[800x600] [1280x960]
I'm too cute for my own good!
Viewed: 5367 times.

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Snuggle with me!
[800x600] [1280x960]
Snuggle with me!
Viewed: 5485 times.

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It's my "O" face.
[800x600] [1280x960]
It's my "O" face.
Last comment 08/15/05.
Viewed: 5398 times.

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Close up of my face!
[800x600] [1280x960]
Close up of my face!
Viewed: 5408 times.

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I don't stay mad long.
[800x600] [1280x960]
I don't stay mad long.
Viewed: 5139 times.

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This is my angry face! GRRR!
[800x600] [1280x960]
This is my angry face! GRRR!
Last comment 03/31/04.
Viewed: 5275 times.

Vote for this image we put it to good use!
[800x600] [1280x960] we put it to good use!
Last comment 03/31/04.
Viewed: 5339 times.

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