Forum Game 11/22/03 
Result of 11 voters
Key - Excellent: 5 points; Great: 4 points; Good: 3 points; Average: 2 points; Poor: 1 points; (Average points in brackets)
(1) Shoot the doomguy, not the wall! - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
(2) Three humiliation.. - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
(3) Nooo! Out of ammo! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES! - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
To vote for an image, click on Excellent, Great, Good, Average or Poor. You MUST click on Vote for your vote to be recorded. You can change your votes later, if you wish.
One humiliation
[800x600] [1024x768]
One humiliation
Viewed: 6721 times.

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Two humiliation
[800x600] [1024x768]
Two humiliation
Viewed: 5638 times.

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Three humiliation..
[800x600] [1024x768]
Three humiliation..
Last comment 07/23/06.
Viewed: 5846 times.

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Pop goes the azzkicker
[800x600] [1024x768]
Pop goes the azzkicker
Viewed: 5599 times.

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It's the matrix, GenArena style!
[800x640] [1280x1024]
It's the matrix, GenArena style!
Last comment 11/23/03.
Viewed: 5955 times.

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Hail of bullets vs insta-gib rockets
[800x640] [1280x1024]
Hail of bullets vs insta-gib rockets
Viewed: 5881 times.

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[800x640] [1280x1024]
Viewed: 5460 times.

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Somebody get me a proctologist!
[800x640] [1280x1024]
Somebody get me a proctologist!
Last comment 12/14/03.
Viewed: 5869 times.

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*and the rockets red glare..*
[800x640] [1280x1024]
*and the rockets red glare..*
Viewed: 5469 times.

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