FFA Forum Game 08/21/04 
Result of 16 voters
Key - Excellent: 5 points; Very Good: 4 points; Good: 3 points; Average: 2 points; Poor: 1 points; (Average points in brackets)
(1) That Quad is cursed, I swear it is. - 2 voters (5.00) BAR
(2) Alright, who's been loading Doom rockets into the railguns? - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
(3) The Camera Bird has been fitted with a personal teleporter to avoid any more situations like this one. - 1 voter (5.00) BAR
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We start the night off explosively!
We start the night off explosively!
Viewed: 5828 times.

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Woah, there's someone in there!  Creepy!
Woah, there's someone in there! Creepy!
Viewed: 5529 times.

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Yeah, I'd jump too if someone shot me in the arse!
Yeah, I'd jump too if someone shot me in the arse!
Viewed: 5321 times.

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Rail on one side, rocket explosion on the other.  Sucks to be him!
Rail on one side, rocket explosion on the other. Sucks to be him!
Viewed: 5187 times.

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Hey!  The Camera Bird is not a target!
Hey! The Camera Bird is not a target!
Viewed: 5271 times.

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A clean miss!
A clean miss!
Viewed: 5337 times.

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Set the map on fire!  And the players too!  Burn it!  Burn it all down!
Set the map on fire! And the players too! Burn it! Burn it all down!
Viewed: 5213 times.

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Mean green railing machine!
Mean green railing machine!
Viewed: 5666 times.

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We'll be impressed if he can live through that plasma barrage!
We'll be impressed if he can live through that plasma barrage!
Viewed: 5165 times.

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