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No telling just what you might find at a LAN party!
Viewed: 5901 times.
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Harry gets a bullet you-know-where!
Viewed: 5590 times.
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Bounce, rail, you be dead!
Viewed: 5382 times.
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I sense much gibs in your future.
Viewed: 5505 times.
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Those Slipgate rockets send you flying!
Viewed: 6168 times.
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Fragged? I'd say you splattered him all over the map!
Viewed: 5399 times.
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Purple plasma? Looks like somebody's using a nonstandard pk3!
Viewed: 5627 times.
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Xypher loves his railgun.
Viewed: 5244 times.
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Plasma on one side, shaft on the other... This guy's in trouble!
Viewed: 5320 times.
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