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[800x600] [1280x960]
This is how I packed my PC for the flight.
Viewed: 5686 times.
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[800x600] [1280x960]
The Texan Station
Viewed: 5367 times.
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[800x600] [1280x960]
What a ripoff!
Viewed: 5729 times.
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[600x800] [960x1280]
We've got the biggest Bawls of them all!
Viewed: 5523 times.
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[800x600] [1280x960]
Oooooh, it's like a shrine!
Viewed: 5231 times.
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[800x600] [1280x960]
CS at QuakeCon?!? Alright, where's my BFG.
Viewed: 5445 times.
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[800x600] [1280x960]
Call of Duty expansion booth.
Viewed: 5221 times.
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[800x600] [1280x960]
Some Call of Duty action.
Viewed: 5330 times.
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[800x600] [1280x960]
Girls getting in on the Call of Duty action!
Viewed: 5388 times.
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