Euro Forum Games 12/27/03 
Result of 5 voters
Key - Excellent: 5 points; Great: 4 points; Good: 3 points; Average: 2 points; Poor: 1 points; (Average points in brackets)
(1) That's one roasted Lilazzkicker! - 1 voter (4.00) BAR
(2) Kibbles and... what's this? A secret wall? - 2 voters (3.50) BAR
(3) The railgun is still king on the Bouncy Map - 1 voter (2.00) BAR
To vote for an image, click on Excellent, Great, Good, Average or Poor. You MUST click on Vote for your vote to be recorded. You can change your votes later, if you wish.
The railgun is still king on the Bouncy Map
The railgun is still king on the Bouncy Map
Viewed: 5004 times.

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Run away!  Run away!
Run away! Run away!
Viewed: 4664 times.

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Didn't they catch this guy?
Didn't they catch this guy?
Viewed: 4589 times.

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Remember kids, always use the right shell in the right gun.
Remember kids, always use the right shell in the right gun.
Last comment 05/12/04.
Viewed: 4560 times.

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Ride 'em, Doomguy!
Ride 'em, Doomguy!
Viewed: 4729 times.

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If she twitches...
If she twitches...
Viewed: 4738 times.

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That's one roasted Lilazzkicker!
That's one roasted Lilazzkicker!
Viewed: 4876 times.

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Warning:  Protective eyewear recommended.
Warning: Protective eyewear recommended.
Viewed: 4575 times.

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Kibbles and... what's this?  A secret wall?
Kibbles and... what's this? A secret wall?
Viewed: 5226 times.

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