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[800x640] [1280x1024]
That's gonna hurt!
Viewed: 5858 times.
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[800x640] [1280x1024]
Have shotgun, will travel.
Viewed: 5723 times.
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[800x640] [1280x1024]
The Doom plasma rifle paints a pretty picture!
Viewed: 5492 times.
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[800x640] [1280x1024]
Caution: Quad machineguns not as effective as they appear.
Viewed: 5209 times.
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[800x640] [1280x1024]
Rocket jump off the head!
Viewed: 5195 times.
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[800x640] [1280x1024]
Who says you have to shoot zombies in the head? Gibbing works fine! Last comment 03/08/04.
Viewed: 5586 times.
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[800x640] [1280x1024]
To the victor, go the spoils. Last comment 03/08/04.
Viewed: 5249 times.
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[800x640] [1280x1024]
Earth: The anti-Doom* class. Last comment 03/08/04.
Viewed: 5258 times.
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[800x640] [1280x1024]
Viewed: 5533 times.
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