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The line. I sat here for 5 hours on Thursday
Viewed: 7379 times.
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More line. It was long.
Viewed: 6322 times.
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The view from the line
Viewed: 6218 times.
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The other half of the view
Viewed: 6307 times.
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Gina in the line.
Viewed: 6321 times.
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This guy had a peacock feather in his hat.
Viewed: 6209 times.
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Byskwik didn't really need the bullhorn. I think it was more for self defense than volume.
Viewed: 6485 times.
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A blurry picture of Kenny
Viewed: 6295 times.
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Gina playing DOOM on Kenny's GBA
Viewed: 6487 times.
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